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The Holy Mass is at the centre of our Catholic life because the Holy Eucharist is “the source and summit” of our Faith.


Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper while celebrating the Passover meal with his apostles. The gift of the Holy Eucharist makes Jesus present to us today and every day. He did not abandon us, rather he gave us the Church in whose authority priests and bishops consecrate the unleavened bread and wine at the Mass by which it becomes the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus. Through this miracle the same Jesus who was crucified and rose from the dead may be received by Catholics today.

The grace of this sacrament provides supernatural food for the soul to strengthen and nourish the faithful as they seek greater union with Christ in their daily life. Each time Catholics receive Holy Communion they have an opportunity to grow in holiness through their openness to the graces offered in this encounter with Jesus. In the Catholic tradition we call these graces the fruits of Holy Communion. Holy Communion increases our union with Christ and with his Church. It preserves and renews the life of grace received at Baptism and Confirmation and makes us grow in love for our neighbour. It strengthens us in charity, wipes away venial sins and preserves us from mortal sin in the future.

Catholics believe that the presence of Jesus remains in the consecrated host and Precious Blood as long as they remain unconsumed and intact. For this reason, all of the Precious Blood is consumed during the Mass. Any remaining hosts are placed in the tabernacle, a beautiful box that reminds us of the tabernacle of the Old Testament where God visited his people. Jesus has given us a wonderful gift in his enduring presence in the Holy Eucharist and invites us to visit him often to find peace in his presence and give him our adoration and thanks. Throughout the history of the Church the Holy Eucharist has been taken to the sick or homebound who are not able to attend Mass.  This is only possible because of the gift of Christ’s abiding presence.

Children ordinarily prepare to receive First Holy Communion around the ages of 7-8 (Year 3).  Part of the process includes preparation for First Reconciliation.

Adults who have not yet been baptized or those who were baptized in another Christian tradition prepare for First Holy Communion through the RCIA process.

Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon
Watch Bishop Robert Barron's comments on
"The Sacrament of The Eucharist as Real Presence"
Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon


8.45am (Mass)

10.15am (Mass)

6.30pm (Mass)


8.30am (Rosary)

9.00am (Mass)


No Mass


6.30pm (Rosary)

7.00pm (Mass)


9.00am (Rosary)

9.30am (Mass)


6.30pm (Rosary)

7.00pm (Mass)


11.00am (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament)

11.00 - 11.30am (Confession / Reconciliation)

12.00pm (Mass)


Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon
Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon
Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon
Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon
Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon

© 2018 Parish of Our Lady & St Edmund of Abingdon
1 Radley Road, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3PL


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