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Our Lady and St Edmund of Abingdon



Please visit the Mass Times page for more information on Mass times and other events, or click here. Please note that on Sunday 21st July there will be no Mass at 8.45am. The morning Mass will be an outdoor Mass at 10.30am.



The parish office opening hours are from 8.15am to 12.15pm Tuesday to Friday. Closed on Bank Holidays. Please note that the parish office will also be closed from Tuesday 13th to Tuesday 27th August.




In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus instructs His apostles not to bring anything with them when they were sent to spread the Good News, except the clothes and sandals they were wearing. We would not find it easy today to go anywhere without making some preparations – packing, booking accommodation, travel arrangements, getting enough currency, etc! But Jesus’ instruction was given to teach a spiritual lesson – that of learning to rely on the power of God and not on our own abilities. Letting go of our own control of our lives in this way is not easy, as we tend to worry and fear the consequences. But God asks us to trust in Him. The more we learn to place our trust in God for what we need (not necessarily what we want), the more we will overcome fear and worry and realise just how much God does actually do for us!

We can take small steps in showing our trust in God, for example, by learning to live more simply or giving a little more generously and trusting that our donations to the Church or to charities will be used for good, as God intended.

Whatever we experience in life, Christ assures us that He is always with us. Let us offer everything to Him on trust and with the help of the Holy Spirit, strive to do God’s will.

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Our Parish Day this year will be celebrated on Sunday 21st July, with the only morning Mass at 10.30am in the ‘garden’ behind the parish centre. There will be a 6.30pm evening Mass as usual. This will be followed by a barbecue and there will be activities for children as well if we have volunteers to organise and run them. Cheques will also be presented to representatives from our Lenten projects – Friends of the Holy Land and Helen & Douglas House.

  • We are looking for volunteers to run activities for children after the Mass. If you have any ideas which you could do yourself, please could you let the PPC know as soon as possible via the parish office. Thank you.

  • We will also need volunteers to help to set up the chairs before the Mass (from 8am). Again, please let us know as soon as possible via the parish office. Thank you.


Please note that there will be a limited number of chairs available, which we hope can be used by the elderly and less able, so if you can, please do bring your own chairs or mats or blankets to sit on.​




Alpha is for everyone. If you want to know more about Jesus, this might be the course for you. It will take place in the Parish Centre on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 9.30pm for 11 weeks, beginning on 24th September. The format of the evening will begin with a sit-down dinner, followed by a short video (approx. 30mins) and then a very relaxed small group discussion. Everyone is welcome and it is free! The full programme can be seen on the poster on our parish noticeboard, in the parish centre, and can also be viewed and downloaded here. Flyers are also available at the back of the church.


We are looking for a team of people to cook, to serve food, setting up and clearing up the parish centre during the Alpha course please. We have a small group of willing volunteers already but would like more names on our list. If you have any questions or can let us know that you will volunteer your help, please email either Jimena: or Sandar:




Loving and generous God, it is You who call us by name and ask us to follow You. Help us to grow in the love and Service of our Church as we experience it today. Give us the energy and courage of Your Spirit to shape its future. Grant us faith-filled leaders who will embrace Christ's mission of love and justice. Bless this parish by raising up dedicated and generous leaders from our families and friends, who will serve Your people as Sisters, Priests, Brothers, Deacons and Lay Ministers. Inspire us to know You better and open our hearts to hear Your call. Bless those who are serving now with courage and perseverance, and grant that many will be inspired by their example and faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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The second/retiring collection this Sunday 14th July is for the Apostleship of the Sea (Stella Maris), the largest ship-visiting network in the world, who improve the lives of seafarers and fishers through their network of local chaplains and seafarer centres, expert information, advocacy, and spiritual support. Let us remember especially those seafarers who are sailing through conflict zones and those who have been abandoned in distant lands. You can find out more here, and you can also make your donations here. Donations can also be made in the church in the usual way.




Why not give something back by joining the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, which will be leaving for Lourdes on Monday 22nd July and returning on Friday 26th July. You could help by assisting some of the pilgrims by pushing wheelchairs, offering a steadying arm and a warm smile! The Youth pilgrims are an essential part of the pilgrimage, and they tell us each year of the amazing time they have had. You can get more information by clicking on the image above and watch the promotional video here. If you would like to know more, you can also contact The pilgrim fare is £780 but there is the potential for funding. The Catenians in our parish are also offering a bursary, and you can get information on how to contact them from the leaflets at the back of our church.

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Bookings for the 2024 Fanning the Flame summer camp are now open for 11- to 18-year-olds. The theme this year is 'Transformed' and the week of Monday 19th - Friday 23rd August at Kintbury will be spent delving into how we are transformed through our relationship with God, Creator and Redeemer. Book early to avoid disappointment!! For booking forms and more, use the link here. You can also view the poster here.




Bishop Philip invites all married couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th (or longer) wedding anniversary to  join him for this year's Significant Wedding Anniversaries Mass at St Bede’s Church, Basingstoke on Saturday 7th September at 2:00pm. If you would like to attend, please email for an application form at:




We will continue holding a Children's Mass on the first Sunday of every month during school term-time. We hope to see many of you there!




You are invited to St Helen’s Church in Abingdon to join in Taizé prayer at 5.30pm on 14th July.

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Please continue to support the Abingdon Food Bank. However, please do not leave your contributions in our church. The collection points are at:

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If you aren't doing so already, please consider gift aiding your donations – it makes them all the more worthwhile, because if you tell us that you pay tax in the UK, then we can claim back 25% from the Government - that's 25p for every £1 you give! You can do so by filling in the yellow form available at the back of the church or online on our website here. Thank you.




Items for the newsletter should be sent to the parish office ( the Wednesday of each week please. Copies are available in the church and on this website here. Please keep contributions as brief as possible and please take newsletters home with you. Thank you.


To keep up to date with the news of the Diocese and the Bishop please follow on:

If you would like to share news with the rest of the Diocese, please contact:

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This camp will be going ahead again this summer from Sunday 28th July to Saturday 3rd August for boys of secondary school age (leaving Yr6 to leaving Yr11) at St. Cassian’s, Kintbury. There will be plenty of sport, outings, competitions, and games to ensure that boys will have a fantastic week. This will continue to take place within the context of the celebration of the Catholic Faith, including daily Mass and morning prayer. The cost of the camp is £230 (part bursaries may be available on application). For more information please email:




Open Doors takes place on Mondays from 11am to 2pm in the Parish Centre and runs every Monday, except Bank Holidays. We offer tea/coffee, lunch and friendly conversation to anyone in the Parish or local community who is on their own or would like more company.

We need more volunteers to help at our Open Doors sessions.  If you can spare a few hours on Monday on a rota basis please contact Berny Pratt on 01235 525257.

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For nearly two centuries the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) has been seeking and finding those in need and responding in love. As well as visits, we can offer practical and financial help where possible. We always maintain confidentiality. Our SVP members meet every fortnight on a Wednesday evening. If you are in need or know someone who is, do contact our parish SVP group via the parish office and we will see what we can do to help. Equally, if you would like to get involved in any way, please do contact us.

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The Diocese now have a Liturgy website, which provides reflection, guidance and a chance to ask questions. You can access by clicking on the image above.

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Abingdon Chorale is delighted to present their first ever Summer Concert in aid of The Abingdon Bridge. Join them for an hour of gorgeous music, followed by refreshments. They will sing a selection of songs on a Shakespearean theme, with a few jazzy numbers thrown in for good measure! Tickets £10 (£2.50 for under 16s) St Michael & All Angels Church, Park Road, Abingdon, OX14 1DS on Sunday 14th July at 5.00pm (to avoid the Euros football final!) You can book tickets here.

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Abingdon Community Fridge fights food waste by redistributing surplus food from local businesses and members of the community. The Abingdon Community Fridge is open to all. For more information visit their Facebook page here, or email

 They are located at Hadland Road Community Centre, OX14 3YH and open on:

  • Mondays: 4.00-4.30pm

  • Thursdays: 1.00-2.00pm

  • Saturdays: 10.30-11.30am




We warmly welcome all new parishioners who have joined our parish in the last year. Please do make yourselves known if you have not already done so, and also let us know if you would like to contribute to parish life in any way. If you have already registered with us, but have changed your address or contact details, please also let us know. Forms and other information are available on our website here to register. Forms and other information are also available in the porch at our church.

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The Diocese’s Annual Report and Accounts for the year 2022-2023 have just been published. They cover the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth as well as its predecessor entity, The Portsmouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust. The Annual Accounts cover the impact and achievements of the Charity over the course of the last year. Please click on the respective links to read the Reports:




All current vacancies in the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth can be viewed here.

© 2018 Parish of Our Lady & St Edmund of Abingdon
1 Radley Road, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3PL


© Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth 2023 | Registration number: England Registered Charity No. 1199568 Jersey Registered Charity No. 457 and Guernsey Registered Charity No.CH263 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy.

Information provided on any forms, together with all other personal data held about these individuals by the Parish and the Diocese of Portsmouth, is processed in accordance with the Diocese's Privacy Notice, which can be obtained here.

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