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The purpose of this donation facility is to enable any sum received to be used for and by our parish for its upkeep and benefit of parishioners. This will enable those who normally use the weekly gift aid white envelope system or loose plate donations to continue to support the Parish. The facility will enable one off or continual donations (with or without gift aid) to be made securely to our parish bank account. Your continued support for the Parish is greatly appreciated.

Please do not use the 'Donate' button for clergy stipends (Mass intentions, weddings, Baptisms). These can be put in an envelope marked FAO the parish priest and indicating what the offering is for and who is giving it. The envelope can be left at the parish office or in the donations basket in the Church.


If you are a UK tax payer, anything you give to the parish comes out of your after-tax income. Our parish is part of the diocese of Portsmouth, which, as a registered charity, is able, under the Gift Aid Scheme, to reclaim from the government the tax you have paid on your donations. This means that for every £1 you give, the parish gets another 25p, which may not sound much, but over a year adds up a lot!

To join in this scheme, please complete the downloadable Gift Aid Declaration below. There is also a Standing Order form below - fill this in if you wish to pay directly from your bank. Please hand the completed form into the parish office or give it to one of the stewards after Sunday Mass.

We will provide you with a box of envelopes for your donations. If you are paying by Standing Order, these envelopes will just be for the special collections - e.g. at Christmas and Easter, for Peter's Pence and other charities we support. If you are not paying by Standing Order, you will also get an envelope for each Sunday, for your weekly cash donation. All these envelopes are numbered so that the parish office can record each donor's gifts confidentially.

Thank you for supporting the parish's work in this way.



A legacy, also known as a bequest, is a simple gift made in your Will, to a person or organisation (such as a charity).

If you would like to make a gift to the parish in your Will, you will need to provide your Solicitor or Will maker with a few details, such as:


  • Name:           Portsmouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust

  • Address:       St Edmund’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 3QA

  • Charity No:   246871


Depending on the type of gift you are leaving, your Solicitor will help with the wording.


You can choose to leave a gift to either the parish or the Diocese. But in both cases, the gift has to be to the Trustees of the Diocesan Trust. This is because the Diocese is the registered charity and so can benefit from the fact that legacies for charitable purposes are exempt from Inheritance Tax. The Bishop is the senior Trustee of the Diocesan Trust. However, if you wish your gift to benefit the parish, you can ask your Solicitor to use the particular wording which would enable this.

More information is available in the document below.

© 2018 Parish of Our Lady & St Edmund of Abingdon
1 Radley Road, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3PL


© Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth 2023 | Registration number: England Registered Charity No. 1199568 Jersey Registered Charity No. 457 and Guernsey Registered Charity No.CH263 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy.

Information provided on any forms, together with all other personal data held about these individuals by the Parish and the Diocese of Portsmouth, is processed in accordance with the Diocese's Privacy Notice, which can be obtained here.

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